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Posts from the ‘NBC’ Category

Rupert’s Master Plan

March 27, 2007


Robert Young has a good post today on NewTeeVee on the Newscorp/NBC YouTube competitor.

His basic point is that Murdoch is the ultimate winner in getting the major media companies (or at least one of them to date) to make their content available for online distribution.  Google will have no choice but to come to terms with the networks. And the only company that will both own content and online distribution will be…Newscorp.

Worth a read.

NBC-News Corp YouTube Rival

March 22, 2007


The much anticipated NBC/Fox online TV consortium was announced today.

My pal George Kliavkoff will be leading the effort, at least on an interim basis.

I found it curious that the initiative entails distribution partenerships with AOL and MSN.  What exactly is the consortium going to do other than cut licensing deals with the portals?

My first reaction, though, is that this is a great thing, in that it reinforces that the TV industry is embracing the web rather than fighting it, as the music industry did.  Internet TV has always been a matter of timing, but I have to say I am surprised at how quickly the TV business is coming around.

The prospects should be bright: consumers are becoming more and more accustomed to watching video online; the technology exists; and advertisers are falling over themselves to find more online video inventory. You’d think these guys would have to try to screw it up. Then again, media company consortia don’t have the best track record of executing, so who knows what will happen here.

All in all, though, I think it is a good step forward for online video.