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Posts from the ‘social networking’ Category

WordPress Goes Social

March 5, 2008


One of the cool things happening over at Automattic is that they are starting to bring aboard projects and developers who have taken the WordPress open source software and build really cool apps/tools/plugins, but don’t have the resources to offer a hosted version at Internet scale. That’s what Automattic did, and did really well, with WordPress software, and is now doing with other things like forum software bbPress, spam blocker Akismet, and Gravatar.

And, Matt Mullenweg has posted that Automattic is now doing the same with BuddyPress, a social network platform developed on the WordPress MU (that stands for “multi-user”) codebase. GigaOm has some observations on this, too.

The trend of bringing great software development projects onto the WordPress platform, and the fact that WordPress will be offering more social features, are both cool.