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Big Day for Conversational Media

June 26, 2008


I have become fascinated with, and excited by the prospects for, conversational media. Indeed, conversational media is the core focus of Jason Shellen’s Plinky (which we just seed funded).

Turns out yesterday was an interesting day for conversational media.

First, Twitter propagated an urban myth that Jared the Subway Guy had died. As Louis Gray posted, “Smart People, Stupid Tweets. Fake News Spreads Fast on Twitter” A good example of a bad use of conversational media; or, at least a use that seems to have little value.

On the other hand, my friend Ryan Spoon announced the launch of  InGameNow — which is essentially a twitter for rabid sports fans. Now, this is a GREAT use of conversational media.

And finally, Facebook announced it is adding comments to the mini-feed, which also seems to me to make a ton of sense.

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